Day 4 of 90days of DevOps.
DAY 4 focuses on DevOps & Agile, their differences and similarities. I can't relate to it that much as I have yet to experience a scrum meeting. By giving it a read I got to know that Agile have short iteration. Agile also helps in delivering optimal experience to end-users.
Agile and DevOps differences:-
Agile targets the communication between end-users and developers where as devops target developers and operations team. Agile has a lot of framework to achieve the goal, frameworks like scrum, kanban, lean, crystal etc. DevOps on the other hand follows practices like Infra-structure as Code, monitoring, end to end test automation etc for a smooth delivery of software.
DevOps heavily depend on the project documentation, agile prioritizes flexibility and task at hand over documentation.
For me day 4 is totally theory oriented I have yet to receive any practical implementation of Agile so I can't say how much of it I can relate.
Also a book recommendation for those who are starting and are beginners in Linux, check out the book The Linux Bible.