Day 5 of 90 days of DevOps.

Day 5 marks the ending of the theoretical aspects of DevOps. Each and every concepts was important though many of them will make sense once applied to real world practical scenarios.

The stages of DevOps

  • Plan
  • Code
  • Test
  • Build
  • Release
  • Deploy
  • Operate
  • Monitor

After the 5th day I am confident enough to write a blog article explaining what DevOps is, What are the per-requisites and what is the roadmap for becoming a DevOps engineer. By documenting my journey on hashnode I gained the knowledge of mark-down and how to use it.

There are plenty of tools and roadmap to follow. My advice will be to install anyone of the tools for different stages and try to configure it with other tools. Until and unless you try and surf through the internet, stack-overflow forums and discussion you will not learn the tools. This will help you by identifying the mistakes you made and errors you have experienced while configuring the tools. Try installing linux-based OS on your system. Setup a linode server, try using ssh into the server, try installing docker, k8s, jenkins and ansible. Until and unless you do it you won't experience it.

Never afraid to ask queries regarding the problem you are facing. Don't fall into analysis paralysis of choosing one tool over another, just flip a coin and decide. Try Travis CI or GO lang or Apache server or CHEF. Always search your problems first in google, there are high chances that you will find the solution to the problem.


  • Your ability to search.
  • Your ability to learn
  • Linux is your friend (BASH SHELL, SSH, LINUX FILE SYSTEM)
  • Networking concepts will help you(DHCP,HTTP,LOAD BALANCING, SUBNETTING, DNS, PROXY etc)