Day 6 of 90days of DevOps

Hello! I am back after taking a break for 4 days because I have been engaged with some trainings I can't miss and was tired after finishing the assignments. Anyway I am at day 6 of my DevOps journey. Finally the last day of theory after this some hands-on starts, practical sessions and what not.

What did I learned on Day 6?

Day 6 marks the use cases of DevOps at various tech giant. Yes, yes A and N from MAANG. After going through the interview of leaders of these tech giants along with tech talks. I observed that they treat DevOps like a culture and applies that in their work life. They will specifically say that they are not using DevOps philosophy but they use it's culture and apply them as they seem fit. Another thing I observed it using the DevOps culture the release time of these companies reduced and the frequency of the releases increased.

What Else?

Apart from the above mentioned observation, I also noticed the statements given by the Leaders on how they overcame the barrier of communication between Developer team and Operations team. I also observed the "Open to Learn" behavior.

That's it, will start tomorrow with Programming languages. GO LANG is what 90 days of DevOps have so I think I will go with GO too.