Day 12 of 90 days of DevOps

Day 12 of 90 days of DevOps

I learnt a lot of different things on day 12. These things are not related to devops but my personal knowledge.

The DevOps part

I learned about GIT push -r or rebase, the use of it, in addition to that I learned about merge conflicts, man they could be messy.

The Linux part

Linux pipes, | and > piping out the input of 1 command to another and piping out the output of command to another file. Ah well done and dusted.

Something embedded, something open-source

Recently I came across [luos]( . I started contributing to it. Helped me with my open-source contribution and practicing git again. It's been so long since I have contributed something after hacktoberfest 2020.

The Odin Project

I have to say, [The Odin Project]( is by far the only curriculum that helped me and made me actually do things, it made me learn how to ask questions, search for solution, read the docs and do changes on the system. My only advice is:

Don't think, just do!!!

~Pete "Maverick" Mitchell

Don't fall into analysis paralysis and waste time. Just enroll into a curriculum, "Read" and do. It will do miracles trust me.